- casashomes-
- January 19,2018
How I Help buying a new build home process – New Home Specialist
I want to go over what I do for you if you’re buying a new build home process.
That’s a great idea because I really never tell people what I do for them and what benefits I bring to the table so let’s start off and the first thing I want to say is education you’ve been reading my articles so you know I’m really into education so it really starts off with the area you want to live in I really want to educate you if you’re not familiar with the different areas and talk about the different areas with you and get a feeling for what you or you and your family are looking for.
What’s gonna work best for you and then we’re going to talk about the different subdivisions I’m going to tell you that different pros the different cons will talk about the builders I’ll educate you a little bit on the different types of builders the quality builders the quantity builders and really what makes them different so what makes builder a different than builder B what makes builder be different than builders C what’s the difference.
I’m not just gonna tell you but when we get out and look at buying a new build home process I want to show you the difference because wouldn’t I’ve noticed over the years when buyers are looking at homes they’re just looking at I’m a lot different than I do because they have a lot different things on their mind like they have the floor plan on their mind what’s going to work for them and they have different things in their mind well I’m looking at more resale and looking at more quality of construction.
I’m looking for a builder that has a good reputation that’s going to take care of the issues etc so I want to definitely educate you on that and then the other thing I’m going to do is I’m going to give you an infographic it’s an informational graphic that’s going to walk you through the process of buying

Buying a new build home process
a new home so before during and after it’s gonna be really helpful there’s 23 steps and I think it’s something that’s gonna provide great value if you’ve bought in a buying a new build home process before but especially if you’ve never bought in a new home and then the second thing you want to do is I really want to talk about how to save you money how to save you money during the negotiation process and in the negotiation process because builders or corporations they don’t think like individuals they think completely different and a lot of people don’t really know how builders think a lot of Realtors don’t really know how they think and how to go in there and properly negotiate so you get the best deal for you or you and your family.
I’m going to talk about how to save you money during the process like best ways to get the best interest rate what you need to do and we before you go into the design center and during the design Center appointment what you need to do to save money and then after you close how do you save money and then I’m going to talk about if you have any problems during the process because it could be a three month process a four month process a seven month process and there’s going to be dozens upon dozens a contractor some contractors people walking in and out of the home and there could be problems that arise and the one thing you know if you’ve bought in a buying a new build home process before builders favorite word is know they love to say no when people are buying homes.
it just amazes me so a lot of times I’ll have to step in and handle things take care of things and really look out for your best interest and you’d really be amazed on how many times things do go wrong.
That I have to step into it but hopefully not hopefully there’s nothing wrong and I always say builders can never be judged by if they make a mistake they need to be judged by how they correct the mistake and then the last thing is really honesty at the end of the day I’m going to treat you just like.
I would my parents just like I would my friends and family members anybody because it is what it is I’m here to help you I’m here to make a fun exciting smooth process for you that you’re going to enjoy.
I wish you the best of luck buying a new build home process
Real Estate Agent How to choose and what questions you need to ask.