- casashomes-
- January 19,2018
Buying a New Home Concern – Critically Important!
I’m going to talk about the #1 buying a new home concern that every new home buyer should have if you’re thinking or in the process of buying a brand new home.
I’m going to give you a solution to this major problem right now so the number one problem that that’s going on in the market not just happen not just Florida but all over the United States is really quality of construction and it really goes with every builder and the reason this is is because the amount of workers that are in the work force buying a new home is drastically decreased over the years ever since the recession we have had many years ago they never came back into the market matter of fact the CEO was talking the other day and he said there used to be a million people in the market in the labor force building homes now it’s down to about 300,000.
So the problem is is the builders are just running short of course they’re not going to tell you they’re running short on the labor but that’s why some of these homes are taking longer and longer and the prices are just going up I

Buying a New Home Concern
was actually at a builder’s on Monday and we were buying a new home that my buyer was buying a home and the rep pointing out he said you see that over there he said that upgrade last week would cost a buyer $3,800 he said today it’s fifty two hundred dollars and I was like oh my gosh he said it’s just the labor shortage he said in these these people who are buying a new home their subcontractors and their contractors and everybody else.
They’re basically just overwhelmed so what they’re doing is they’re just increasing and increasing the increasing the prices so what you need to do if you’re buying a buying a new home I’ll make two suggestions and I think this is critically important it’s hire an inspector to look at the home in pre drywall so before the drywall goes up have them look at the home get an inspection done because you could be paying whatever you’re paying three hundred thousand five hundred thousand whatever you’re paying for a new home it’s worth it to spend an extra 300 or 400 dollars to get an inspection.
The second thing I recommend is getting an inspection at the very end just because the Hulman is brand new doesn’t mean it’s perfect you’ve heard me talk about this in other articles but it’s getting right now more and more and more important for you to get an inspection on your buying a new home pre drywall and at the end if you have any questions don’t hesitate to give me a call and I am putting articles up above that will help you save time money and get an idea how the whole new construction process works if I could help you in the USA Area.
let me know your thoughts of this are you buying a new home have you thought about getting an inspection are you going to get into noose inspection.
I’d be curious have a great day and I wish you the best of luck you buying a new home.