- casashomes-
- January 19,2018
New Home Realtors Questions
I want to go over what questions to ask Home Realtors if you’re looking at buying a new home and please don’t make the mistake by thinking all realtor’s are the same and just hiring someone because you meant them or they’re a referral or they’re a nice person biggest mistake.
I see people making because you make the money when you buy the home you get the money when you sell the home so if you don’t choose wise upfront you could be leaving thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars on the table or losing that money so that’s what we’re going to talk about in this article.
So over the years I see a lot of real estate agents certainly in other offices and they sell a lot of new construction but do they really know what they’re doing do they really understand the new home market do they really

home realtors
understand the different types of builders the quality of construction what builders have good reputations what communities or subdivisions are good to buy in opposed to maybe you don’t want to buy in there so what do you want to do is you want to either talk to the agent face-to-face column or even email them just ask them some questions ask them.
how long they’ve been in the business, how many new homes are they typically sell in a year or how many new homes they’ve sold pick a few different lenders in your areas that are in your area that is big so let’s say when our homes in DR Horton maybe pull T and M I so home realtors them to explain to you the differences between those builders what makes one builder good and what makes them different from another builder.
If they really know what they’re doing they’re gonna be able to explain this to you and just say instead of saying well all those builders are pretty much the same then maybe I’m talk to them when you sit down and you meet with them start talking to them about different communities what makes good communities what makes communities not so good and again you can do a lot of this in an email but I would definitely start asking the home realtors some questions to make sure they know what they’re talking about.
Ask home realtors about different types of quality of construction you know what makes a builder a good builder what makes a builder not such a good builder because you don’t want to wind up with the Builder this isn’t good and you don’t want to wind up in a subdivision that’s a dud so get a real estate agent and who knows what they’re doing.
I hope this article helps to find a Home Realtors.