- casashomes-
- January 19,2018
Understanding what you’re buying a home
Understanding what you’re buying a home because I see every now and then a lot of buyers getting bamboozled because they don’t really understand quality of construction and different type of builders neither do the real estate agents or even the appraisers.
I’m going to go over what’s important about this and what you need to understand and know before you buying a home or for that matter even write a contract on a home I had a client send me a property the other day it already sold he wanted to use as a comparable for his so I started looking at it and I noticed it is about twenty-five hundred something square feet and it sold for four hundred and ninety three thousand dollars I’m like hmm I wonder who the Builder is.
I’m sitting there thinking it’s something equivalent to maybe a Ruttenberg or maybe a cartel sort of an upper end builder semi custom builder custom builder and I was shocked to see it was a u.s. home and I thought to myself oh my gosh I cannot believe someone would pay four hundred and ninety three thousand dollars for a US home and take nothing away from u.s. homes.
But let me just sort of explain us home is an entrance level builder they were always an entrance level builder matter of fact years ago in the early 2000s a few customers ended up purchasing them as their entrance level builder and then they just found out they were a real piece of junk company they

buying a home
ended up shutting them down then for some reason they brought him back over a new phoenix and live oaks again and then they ended up shutting them down again they again they were just the entrance level builder so I’m looking at this home at four hundred and ninety three thousand dollars and sure it has good architectural detail with columns outside and you’ve looked inside the home and it has some a deep attention to detail inside the buying a home.
But the problem is they’re basically building the same home as an entrance level buying a home they’re just making it look a lot nicer I mean again it’s one of those things you could put lipstick on a pig but at the end of the day it’s still a pig and I don’t want to be that mean about it but I’m looking out and I’m sitting there thinking to myself well this is the the same quality of construction is behind the walls the same type of wood the same type of insulation the same contractors are all pretty much being used they’re just making everything more grand cosmetically and I really feel personally I just I can’t believe someone would spend half a million dollars on a u.s. home now if they go in and it’s a Cardell well Cardell just an upper in builder or a builder equivalent to homes by Westbay or a Ruttenberg.
I’m a really good builder that’s what I would expect I just didn’t expect this and I think the problem is when people were buying these buying a home they’re not really and I say the buyer the buyer may not know but they’re going to real estate agents the real estate agents aren’t really doing a lot of research and they’re just thinking okay well it looks nice.
It’s big it’s in a nice area but what about the utility bills and it’s sort of like a car you could go buy a car and it might look really nice inside outside but if it’s going to break down all the time if the maintenance is really bad are you going to buy it then it’s sort of like that looking at this with the u.s. home the insulation isn’t going to be anywhere near the insulation of Cardell a West Bay a Ruttenberg not that West Bay was even existence when this buying a home was built in the late 90s but the appraiser goes out there and unfortunately appraisers are very complacent and a lot of Prazeres just don’t know what they’re looking at because they don’t look at many homes when an appraiser goes out and doesn’t appraise a lot of home they’re looking at one home in one buying a home only that’s the subject property they’re just looking at the other ones and seeing the other ones in black and white and take nothing away from appraisers there’s a lot of appraisers that understand a lot about homes but some of them don’t and I’ve even had an appraiser compared olan are in arriven years ago with an art art the Ruttenberg so all.
I would say is do your homework get an agent that understands the different types of builders just so you know now they could be perfectly happy in the buying a home and they could even know it’s a u.s. home and know about the history of US homes and know what type of quality US homes was being built to and they might still like it you might still like it but it’s understanding.
Personally would never buy us home for five hundred thousand dollars at least today I just can’t see it I know what the insulation is going to be like I know what the quality of construction was like behind the walls they could fix it all up and make it look nice outside make it look nice inside but I do this video because I just think you need to be educated when you’re looking at the homes when I look at homes and I go through I always look at the builders now there are some builders that I don’t know who they are they were built before my time maybe they were just a small little builder but that’s not the NASA majority of it the vast majority are the bigger builders the Ruttenberg the syntaxes though an ours that back then the US homes now the homes by Westbay the Cardinals the Cal Atlantic etc so understand who the Builder is and that’s the whole point of this article buying a home just get educated on who built the home in what type of builder they are it’s sort of like I would tell people in this price range would you rather have a homes.
Build a home that’s used to building homes in the forest the five to six hundred thousand dollar range or would you rather have a syntax where syntax is an entrance level builder who would you rather have built your buying a home for the same price because that if a builders building if they’re an upper and builder in their building down there is still using the same quality of construction the same people built in the home that’s an entrance level builder building up they’re still using the same people much like a car you have $30,000 to spend in a car would you rather have mercedes-benz build it or would you rather have Kia build it so that’s all.
Buying a new build home process – How to look for help.
have a wonderful day you buying a home!